Sebbs & Rock Gardens
Known as Sebbs after Miss Ebbs who originally planted this area with lilies in the 1960’s, it’s now a haven for bulbs like snowdrops, as well as euphorbias, hellebores and geraniums, all nestling under the large Metasequoia glyptostroboides – the fossil tree, Cupressus arizonica and other conifers.
There are a couple of specimens of Osmunda regalis and the plant with umbrella-like leaves is Petasites japonicus. The rock garden area contains a range of rock plants and shrubs, including Pyracantha ‘Teton’, Thuja plicata ‘Rheingold’, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, alpine Phlox and Rock Roses.
From here you’re spoilt for choice for where to go next – under the bridge for a tranquil stroll along the river, over the bridge to the rose gardens or follow the path alongside our renowned herbaceous border.